Sunday 2 May 2010

Shoot Plan
I wanted to try something different and something that was more documentary than landscape and inside rather than outside. At first I considered a journey, perhaps from my house to my grans house and I thought about how people like to present their living space. I then thought of how I like to judge particular places on the way they present their toilets. I particularly like to do this when at restaurants. I always like to see the toilets before my food arrives. I believe you can learn alot about someone through their personal space and the way they like to present things and in the same cases don't present things. The bathroom is a very personal space and we do learn alot about someone through this intimate space

(Houses and Bathrooms numbered according to sketchbook)

House 4
Bathroom 2
Bathroom 1

House 1
Bathroom 2
Bathroom 1

House 3
Bathroom 2
Bathroom 1
Bathroom 3
House 2
Bathroom 1

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