Friday 16 April 2010

Photographs for my new brief project..

Over the Easter holidays I was set a new Brief: Where landscape meets documentary.

Shoot Plan
For this project the first thing I want to concentrate on is man made structures/objects on the natural landscape.
I just so happen to be extremely lucky as there is a local fair just down the road from my house which would be perfect for this shoot and it is set up in a field surrounded by trees.
I plan to go down to the fair at dusk as the sun is setting and try to capture the lights, structures and objects placed on the landscape in the beautiful pink skies and then against the black night sky. This will be very good to practice my long exposure and capture light trails.

These following long exposures would have worked out alot better if i had taken a tripod with me however unfortunately I didn't. Although I still feel they came out pretty good, however they would be more effective and detailed if on a tripod.

For this Photograph I stood completely under the ride so I managed to get the ride over my head to create this effect with the light trails:

I really like the colours in this photograph especially against the dark night sky.

(Below) Again, would have come out much better if I had used a tripod, However I really like how I captured the movement of the ride, I wish i managed to get the top of the ride central and straight in the photograph. I like how the different light colours of the ride collide with each other.

(Below) I really like this photograph and how i captured the movement, I think the colours look amazing in the photograph especially against the black sky. This is my favourite of my long exposure photographs but would have been much better If I used a tripod.

(Below) This photograph was taken inside a massive undercover bouncy castle. There was also a large blow up bouncy ball inside which my friend decided to pose with. I really like her pose I think it suits the photograph well. I darkened the edges in photoshop using a brush with no hardness and brushed along the edges to give this dark grungy feel to the photograph.

(Below) For this photograph I was looking for simplicity. I tried to keep the photograph as clean and simple and positioned the tent so it was central in the photograph, I really like how the bright lights stand out against the dark sky.

(Below) Definitely my favourite photograph from the shoot. I love the beautiful shepherds delight sky and how the pinks merge into the purple blues. I really like how the red and yellow circus type tents contrast against the dark ground and really light up the photograph and grab your attention and how the trees act as a silhouette in the far background. I also like this photograph due to the was i have composed the photograph and the angle i have taken it from. With the tents all in line.

(Below) Again I like the way I have composed this photograph and taken it portrait, The structure stands strong and bold in the photograph standing out from the pretty sky. This photograph tells us of how our man made objects and structures take over our beauty of our natural landscape to provide fun and entertainment of us.

(Below) I really like this photograph, one of my favourites from the shoot, I love the natural lighting from the sky that has been cast onto the bouncy castles which really brights up the colours. The sky is a beautiful pink purple colour which i captured when photographing at dusk. I like how the lighting contrasts the sky and bouncy castles against the dark ground to the bottom left hand side of the photograph, its almost like the darkness is trying to creep into the photography. I also like the way i have composed this photograph and the angle I photographed it from.

I really like the how I have positioned this photograph and how the lights of the fair contrast with the dark night sky. I cropped the photograph like this on purpose as I felt it looked better and is different.

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