Friday 26 February 2010


This studio photoshoot task was set to us by our lecturer, the class were divided into groups of 3 and 4. I was divided into a group of 3 with Joe and Mickayla. Mickayla was away on the Monday (22/02/10) when we planned our photoshoot, here is what i wrote for my shoot plan:
"For our shoot plan we have decided to base our shoot on props such as wigs, hats, masks and sunglasses to create a hidden and complex personality and character in the photograph. We have decided to shoot on high key as it will be easier for us to photoshop afterwards as we are going to experiment with different types of backgrounds by using different colours and textures, also because I tend to do a lot of photographs on low key.
We planned to have two lights either side of the model at the back to light up the high key backdrop and one key light to camera right, and one fill on camera left and one on camera right to reflect the light onto the model.

Here are photographs which gave me inspiration for this photoshoot:
Heather and Ellie
Joshua Hoffine
Joshua hoffine has work that i have never seen stuff like that before, he is a horror photographer, and his photographs actually give me a chill, i can see them as being very controversial, but i like his creativity side to the way he works, and his lighting always seems to be very interesting and unique.
I choose this photograph of his because it ties in with the mask theme for inspiration for my studio shoot.
Kevin Brannaman
I really like the colours and composition of this photograph. I love how the model has the bunny mask on and the fact their in the garden with carrots i really like the overall theme and feel to this photograph.
Cindy Sherman
these bright coloured photographs and the way the models are presented give a confusing fake character.
Gillian Wearing, took photographs of people wearing masks, the masks look like how you would imagine the person to look like, however with little face detail and the person looks fake. I really like these weird odd photographs.
Here are some final photos from the photoshoot which i photoshopped:

(Below) For this photograph I made the photograph of Joe in the sheep mask black and white, and changed the curves so there were more ranges of tones and a stronger contrast within the photograph, i then put a photograph of rubbish in the background, to create a confusing harsh effect type background which works well with the pose of Joe. I turned the saturation down of the rubbish, so it was in-between colour and black and white. I really like the composition of this photography and how i have framed him in the photo.

(Below) Firstly I changed this photograph to Black and white, and changed the curves so there was a nice strong contrast and variation of tones within the photograph. I removed any blemishes, and i then dragged this newspaper background onto the photograph of Mickayla and erased away to leave her photograph with a newspaper background. Overall I'm really happy with this photograph and think the background works well with the photo of Mickayla.

For this photograph i decided to play about with the burn tool, i wanted to go for the dark grungy effect. so i burned her eyes, mouth and bits of her arm and neck, I think to improve this photograph i should have burned her t shirt. I then created the gradient background by using the gradient tool.
(Below) Here i liquefied the photograph on Joe's eyes to make then wider, i also pulled his eyebrows up and his smile. I then created a hue and saturation layer, and turned the saturation down so the photograph was in-between colour and black and white. I then got the black paint bucket and clicked on the photograph, then using an eraser, i erased at the face to give him this dark grey gruesome looking skin. Then using the magnetic lasso tool i went around they eyes and tongue, i then created a hue and saturation layer and turned the hue so it went purple, this then made the eyes and tongue purple. Using a big black brush with no hardness i created this dark circle around the photograph to add a dark grungy feel to the photograph.

(Below) Firstly I went into liquify to create these evil eyes and smile. then using a big black brush on low hardness i created this dark circle around the photograph to give the photograph an evil feel. then going into hue and saturation and turning the saturation down so it was in between colour and black and white.

Monday 22 February 2010


Lara Jade is a British photographer and such an inspiration for me, her being so successfully at such a young age is a great inspiration for me, and her photographs are what I've always wanted to head towards, fashion, alternative and beauty. I have been aware of Lara Jade's work for a few months now, however when i did my photoshoot I didn't think about jades photographs, it was only until after the photoshoot and editing that i related a slight likeness.
Here is some of Lara Jade's work :

I love the colours in the photographs, and her unique images with such creation and imagination. I love the big square eyebrows in the first photograph and it was only until after I realised my models square eyebrows had a likeness.
The parasol/umbrella has some likeness to Jade's photographs too. I thought I'd include Jades photograph's as shes a big inspiration to me and felt she deserved to be mentioned and inspire more people like myself.

These are photographs of my friend Lottie, we are extremely close, and she is always willing to help me out with my photography projects. She enjoys modelling for me and helps me to experiment.
I love this photograph of her, I think it looks fashion and i think she looks really beautiful and elegant here.
(Below) For this photograph i lightly airbrushed the skin, but not so it looked over fake, i then turned the saturation down so the photograph was between colour and black and white, to produce this nearly black and white photograph with hints of colours, i LOVE the depth of field in this photograph and how we are focused on her, i also highlighted and enhanced her eyes to make them stand out and draw us into the photograph.

(Below) With this photograph I smoothed the skin, by airbrushing slightly, I adjusted the curves level and I darkened the photograph around the edges. I really like the colours in this photograph and the contrast between the dark background and her light pale skin. I also like the composition and the dark mysterious background.
(Below) Again, I smoothed the skin, and lightened it using curves to create a contrast between her pale skin and dark mysterious background, I created a dark glow around the image to exaggerate the dark background.

Overall i felt this shoot went really well, I really like the photographs iv photoshopped so far, and think they are good fashion portraits, i think my model looks beautiful, unique, elegant and alternative.

Sunday 21 February 2010

Week Two

This week was half term and I managed to do quite a few photoshoots which i was really pleased about.
On Friday (19/02/10) My Friend Jordan wanted a photoshoot after seeing previous photographs of mine, he really like the photographs I did of Tom Fieldhouse for my Studio Photography project. I ended up taking photographs of him, his brother and some family portraits. I'm still editing the photographs from the shoot but so far with the photographs I'v edited I'm really pleased with them, and I think the family will be too. I set the studio lighting up in their living room, as they have a big living room which enabled me to get the lights in the right position. For the backdrop I simply used a black bed sheet of mine, which works really well however I edit the background in photoshop anyway to make sure the background is pure black.
Photographers which i used for inspirtation for this photoshoot would be Rankin's studio portraiture, which are strong and powerful images which stand out and are very sharp for example: Or George Dean's family portraits Ken Sharp also does really good family portraits:

Here's some photographs from the photoshoot :
(Above and Below) I opened these photographs in photoshop and copied the layer. I then made the background pure black, and using the healing tool removed any blemishes/moles/spots. I then smoothed the skin by simply air brushing the skin using the brush tool. Then using curves to whiten the image and the black paint bucket on the photograph i erased away leaving the eyes and belt buckle more enhanced. I then turned the saturation down so the photograph became Black and White as I felt these photographs were more strong and striking in black and white than colour. I like Jordan's strong masculine pose in these two photographs and I am very pleased with the outcome.
(Below) Here I made the background pure black, removed any unwanted moles/spots/blemishes, smoothed the skin and enhanced the eyes and belt buckle.
(Below) I really like Jordan's position and pose in this photograph, he looks very masculine, and I think the top looks really good on him and emphasizes his body. I really like this photograph in black and white and didn't like the colour version, in the colour version his skin looked very red and his top is striped green which clashed and wasn't good for his complexion.
Here I made the background pure black, removed any unwanted moles/spots/blemishes, smoothed the skin, enhanced his eyes and belt buckle and turned the photograph black and white, I'm really happy with this photograph.
(Below) One of my favourite photographs from the shoot, mainly because its so natural and there not posed. The mum is laughing and the boys are looking at each other and almost smirking, I think this photograph really captures the character of the family. It works great in black and white and really emphasizes the laughter in the mums face. There's also a great range of tones and I'm pleased how I positioned the the two lads either side of their mum. Here I made the background pure black but didn't do any other photoshopping to the photograph because I feel family portraits should be a true representation of the family and should not appear or look fake.
(Below) A lovely photograph of the dad and two sons. It took about 6 shoots to get one where they were all staring at the camera and not pulling too many crazy expressions. They were a lovely family to work with. Again I preferred this photograph in black and white, I just feel its more flattering, and you focus more on them in the photograph, as colours in clothing draw your eye away. Here I just made the background pure black but again didn't photoshop in any other way as I like family portraits to be a true representation.

(Above and Below) Here are two photographs of the family together. I think they shall be very happy with the photographs, I do prefer the black and white one, but thought I'd include a coloured photograph of the family. Again I made the background pure black but didn't photoshop in any other way. Otherwise I'd feel the photograph wasn't a true representation of the family.
(Below) I really like this photograph - two brothers messing around posing.
I like the composition of this photograph and theres a good range of tones. Here I made the background pure black and I removed any blemishes but other than that I tried not to other photoshop the photograph to much and kept the editing to a minimum.
A strong photograph of Ash is pose makes him looking powerful.
Here I made the background pure black, removed any unwanted spots/moles/blemishes and smoothed the skin.

Sunday 14 February 2010

Week One

Here i smoothed her skin, and highlighted her lip gloss, made the photograph Black and white and made the background pure black. I love her position and pose in this photograph she has a very strong powerful pose and i think the black and white enhances this.

For this photograph i made the background pure white, removed and blemishes and smoothed the skin, i also highlighted her lip gloss so it appeared extra shiny. I love her pose and like the way she isn't looking at the camera in this photograph.

I'm really pleased i took this photograph from above, i think it works really well. I love the strong contrast between the black background and white dress. i think she looks beautiful. For this photograph i made sure the background was pure black.

Here i removed any moles, smoothed skin, and applied the dark shadowing to the outside of the photograph.
Here I smoothed the skin, and removed any blemishes, i then applied the floral background and turned the saturation down halfway between black and white and colour to get the colour effect in the photography.

This week I did a Photoshoot for Jennifer- Leigh Russell, she went to the same school as me, and seen i was advertising photoshoots, she wants to enter Miss Cornwall ( and needed two good photographs of herself, we arranged to shoot Thursday 11th of Feb, at 7pm. I was so pleased with the photoshoot and felt it went really well. She had never had a photoshoot before but i felt by the end of the photoshoot she was really getting into it, and started to pose more naturally.

I set the studio lighting up in my living room. I used a black backdrop for the first half and and white backdrop for the second. I positioned a soft box to camera left, and an umbrella to diffuse the light on camera right. I wish i had experimented more with the lighting, and used some reflectors.

We shoot for about an 1h 30mins and i then uploaded the photographs to my computer and edited the best ones in photoshop.

In photoshop i edited things such as removing moles and blemishes, smoothing the skin, teeth whitening, an enhancing the white of the eyes. I also made sure the background was pure white or black. I also i scanned in pretty patterns such as floral and vintage looking wallpapers which i could use as backgrounds for the photos.

Here are some of the photographs from the shoot which i photoshopped.

Here I made the background pure black, I also whitened her eyes and hair flower, i also removed any blemished and smoothed the skin, however she had lovely skin anyway so I was lucky. I then turned the photograph Black and white.

Here i smoothed the skin, removed small moles, whitened the background to pure white and then lightened a floral wallpaper background so you can faintly see it, but it doesn't take your eye away from the model.

Friday 12 February 2010

Rochelle Kidd Photography Week One

Today (12/02/10) I have been set a brief to upload at least five photographs a week to my Blog as well as writing relevant information about my photographs and a link to a website that gave me inspiration or ideas for my shoot. Points to consider for my photographs are
  • Studio
  • People
  • Black and White
  • Colour
  • Work
  • Land

I really like this Brief and think its suits me very well as im always on the interent and I always take photographs through the week anyway. I shall be looking forward to posting my photgraphs which I have taken through the week to share with others.