Sunday 14 February 2010

Week One

Here i smoothed her skin, and highlighted her lip gloss, made the photograph Black and white and made the background pure black. I love her position and pose in this photograph she has a very strong powerful pose and i think the black and white enhances this.

For this photograph i made the background pure white, removed and blemishes and smoothed the skin, i also highlighted her lip gloss so it appeared extra shiny. I love her pose and like the way she isn't looking at the camera in this photograph.

I'm really pleased i took this photograph from above, i think it works really well. I love the strong contrast between the black background and white dress. i think she looks beautiful. For this photograph i made sure the background was pure black.

Here i removed any moles, smoothed skin, and applied the dark shadowing to the outside of the photograph.
Here I smoothed the skin, and removed any blemishes, i then applied the floral background and turned the saturation down halfway between black and white and colour to get the colour effect in the photography.

This week I did a Photoshoot for Jennifer- Leigh Russell, she went to the same school as me, and seen i was advertising photoshoots, she wants to enter Miss Cornwall ( and needed two good photographs of herself, we arranged to shoot Thursday 11th of Feb, at 7pm. I was so pleased with the photoshoot and felt it went really well. She had never had a photoshoot before but i felt by the end of the photoshoot she was really getting into it, and started to pose more naturally.

I set the studio lighting up in my living room. I used a black backdrop for the first half and and white backdrop for the second. I positioned a soft box to camera left, and an umbrella to diffuse the light on camera right. I wish i had experimented more with the lighting, and used some reflectors.

We shoot for about an 1h 30mins and i then uploaded the photographs to my computer and edited the best ones in photoshop.

In photoshop i edited things such as removing moles and blemishes, smoothing the skin, teeth whitening, an enhancing the white of the eyes. I also made sure the background was pure white or black. I also i scanned in pretty patterns such as floral and vintage looking wallpapers which i could use as backgrounds for the photos.

Here are some of the photographs from the shoot which i photoshopped.

Here I made the background pure black, I also whitened her eyes and hair flower, i also removed any blemished and smoothed the skin, however she had lovely skin anyway so I was lucky. I then turned the photograph Black and white.

Here i smoothed the skin, removed small moles, whitened the background to pure white and then lightened a floral wallpaper background so you can faintly see it, but it doesn't take your eye away from the model.

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