Monday 5 July 2010


Recently I went to Penzance with college, we were asked to produce a series of images that are linked to a common theme, we were required to take 10 photographs minimum.

I happened to be taking a photograph of a door when i thought it would be a unique idea to photograph doors throughout Penzance. Overall I felt i collected a good range of doors and have a good collection of photographs. Im very pleased with the overall outcome of this set of images.
They show a good range from expensive looking doors, to shabby run down doors. I also included two photographs of penzance Jubilee Pool as I felt they were good photographs and documented Jubille Pool well.

Sunday 2 May 2010

Shoot Plan
I wanted to try something different and something that was more documentary than landscape and inside rather than outside. At first I considered a journey, perhaps from my house to my grans house and I thought about how people like to present their living space. I then thought of how I like to judge particular places on the way they present their toilets. I particularly like to do this when at restaurants. I always like to see the toilets before my food arrives. I believe you can learn alot about someone through their personal space and the way they like to present things and in the same cases don't present things. The bathroom is a very personal space and we do learn alot about someone through this intimate space

(Houses and Bathrooms numbered according to sketchbook)

House 4
Bathroom 2
Bathroom 1

House 1
Bathroom 2
Bathroom 1

House 3
Bathroom 2
Bathroom 1
Bathroom 3
House 2
Bathroom 1

Friday 16 April 2010

Photographs for my new brief project..

Over the Easter holidays I was set a new Brief: Where landscape meets documentary.

Shoot Plan
For this project the first thing I want to concentrate on is man made structures/objects on the natural landscape.
I just so happen to be extremely lucky as there is a local fair just down the road from my house which would be perfect for this shoot and it is set up in a field surrounded by trees.
I plan to go down to the fair at dusk as the sun is setting and try to capture the lights, structures and objects placed on the landscape in the beautiful pink skies and then against the black night sky. This will be very good to practice my long exposure and capture light trails.

These following long exposures would have worked out alot better if i had taken a tripod with me however unfortunately I didn't. Although I still feel they came out pretty good, however they would be more effective and detailed if on a tripod.

For this Photograph I stood completely under the ride so I managed to get the ride over my head to create this effect with the light trails:

I really like the colours in this photograph especially against the dark night sky.

(Below) Again, would have come out much better if I had used a tripod, However I really like how I captured the movement of the ride, I wish i managed to get the top of the ride central and straight in the photograph. I like how the different light colours of the ride collide with each other.

(Below) I really like this photograph and how i captured the movement, I think the colours look amazing in the photograph especially against the black sky. This is my favourite of my long exposure photographs but would have been much better If I used a tripod.

(Below) This photograph was taken inside a massive undercover bouncy castle. There was also a large blow up bouncy ball inside which my friend decided to pose with. I really like her pose I think it suits the photograph well. I darkened the edges in photoshop using a brush with no hardness and brushed along the edges to give this dark grungy feel to the photograph.

(Below) For this photograph I was looking for simplicity. I tried to keep the photograph as clean and simple and positioned the tent so it was central in the photograph, I really like how the bright lights stand out against the dark sky.

(Below) Definitely my favourite photograph from the shoot. I love the beautiful shepherds delight sky and how the pinks merge into the purple blues. I really like how the red and yellow circus type tents contrast against the dark ground and really light up the photograph and grab your attention and how the trees act as a silhouette in the far background. I also like this photograph due to the was i have composed the photograph and the angle i have taken it from. With the tents all in line.

(Below) Again I like the way I have composed this photograph and taken it portrait, The structure stands strong and bold in the photograph standing out from the pretty sky. This photograph tells us of how our man made objects and structures take over our beauty of our natural landscape to provide fun and entertainment of us.

(Below) I really like this photograph, one of my favourites from the shoot, I love the natural lighting from the sky that has been cast onto the bouncy castles which really brights up the colours. The sky is a beautiful pink purple colour which i captured when photographing at dusk. I like how the lighting contrasts the sky and bouncy castles against the dark ground to the bottom left hand side of the photograph, its almost like the darkness is trying to creep into the photography. I also like the way i have composed this photograph and the angle I photographed it from.

I really like the how I have positioned this photograph and how the lights of the fair contrast with the dark night sky. I cropped the photograph like this on purpose as I felt it looked better and is different.

Thursday 1 April 2010


My deadline for this project is this Friday (02.04.10)!

As soon as I got this project I started it straight away, I knew it was going to be a perfect project for me as I spend most of my time (too much) on the Internet and I'm always constantly photographing.

I didn't want to just upload 5 photographs every week, I wanted to upload all my favourite photographs whenever in the week as I like showing people my work and what Iv been up to. In a week I can do a lot of photo shoots so I generally just uploaded photographs a few days after a shoot. I also enjoy writing about my work and what I have been up to. So overall I felt this project was perfect for me.

I will most definitely be continuing my blog after this project or at least try! As I plan to do a lot of shoots over Easter and have shoots booked, so I may as well continue to present my work that I have been doing over Easter. Its also a nice website for people to come and view my work and gives them a nice insight on the way I think and work.

I think this blog allows people to see my main interests in photography and my style and how my work will hopefully develop and improve over time.

I decided to keep my blog in the same layout as the original as I already liked the way it was layed out. I kept to the same simple font as i didn't want to distract the reader from my photographs with some crazy font and wanted it simple and easy to read. I decided to choose a black background as with my sketchbooks at college I like to present my work on black and also think its makes your work look more posh and professional. Also most people generally like the colour black than if I was to have a colour like pink which is more feminine. I kept a white colour for my writing so my writing stood out against the background.

This project has helped me to link my work to other photographers, There isn't really anything about this project which I didn't enjoy luckily.

So all in all = :)

Wednesday 31 March 2010


A lovely young mum contacted me asking if I would be willing to photograph her and her baby Faith - 10 weeks.
I was delighted to be asked and knew it would be really good and beneficial for my portfolio.
It was rather scary working with such a young baby but I really enjoyed the experience.

Inspiration for this photoshoot:



What I really like about this photograph is how the baby is cuddled up to its Mother which i think is really cute and makes a good photograph. There is also a good range of tones and I like the composition of this photograph. I generally prefer the baby photographs in black and white to colour as I feel it just looks better for this particular baby photograph theme.

(Below) Here I really like the glistening of baby Faith's eyes and lips. I am also really pleased how I captured the moment of her yawning. I like this photograph in colour as we can see she is wearing pink which particularly with baby's represents a girl. As when young its hard to determine their sex as they are so young.

(Below) Here i tried to get a close up of the baby's foot, as i wanted to get some close up detailed shots. I was particularly pleased I took these shoots especially at the end of the shoot when the mother commented on how much she loved Faith's feet. I also think it will be nice for the mother too keep to remember just how small her beautiful baby was and so she can remember her baby's feet and hands. I like how we can see the detail especially of her toe nails. I like the composition of this photograph and the depth of field and how we can see the background is blurred which makes her foot stand out.

(Below) I love the way i have cropped this close up of the Faith's face. I love the glistening the soft box gives to her eyes and I like the soft tones in the photograph. I really like how i have captured her soft skin and little nose. I much preferred this photograph in black and white to colour.

(Below) Here I really like how I managed to capture Faith smiling, Again really pleased how the soft box creates the glistening look to her eye and she looks beautiful smiling, Really like the soft range of tones again and the composition of the photograph

Overall I really enjoyed this photoshoot and felt it was nice to do something and experience something different if i could re do the photoshoot I defiantly wish I experimented more with poses or perhaps researched some more before the photoshoot.

Monday 29 March 2010


(Taken Spring 2009)
Although I took these Photographs last year I thought I'd Include them as they are very alternative and different to many other photoshoots of mine.
This was for my GCSE art project where I was allowed to use photography for part of it, My art piece was based on Mannequins so I thought it would be an interesting concept for me to dress up as a mannequin so I painted myself white and wore a long bleach blonde wig, I also wore a dolly type dress, other props featured my mannequin (Jenny) which i rang up radio Cornwall for and House of Fraiser in Plymouth contacted me and gave me Jenny (Thank you very much), An apple, and flower petals) I had decorated Jenny before hand by splatting her with paint and covering her private parts with flowers.

Anyway.. I set the camera up on a tripod and set to self timer, I then posed in a doll like position.
What I really like about these photographs is that you can identify its me.

(Below) For this photograph I darkened the edges to give a dark grungy feel to the photograph it also contrasts nicely with my pale ghostly skin.

(Below) I really like the detail of this Photograph, I think the wig looks quite realistic in this photograph and I like how my lips look dry and cracked, I think this photograph definitely suits black and white and I like the strong contrast within the photograph.

(Below) This is definitely my favourite photograph of the set, I love the composition of this photograph and how the photograph is taken at the same height as me and not looking down on me. I also think i look the most doll-dead like in this photograph, I again gave the photograph a dark edge to give a grungy dark feel to the photograph which i really like and again how it contrasts with my pale skin.

My least favourite of the set, I don't like the cropping of the photograph and how half the mannequins foot isn't in the photograph. Maybe this was the way i positioned the camera on the tripod by accident. Plus i think i prefer it landspace. However i do think i portray the dead doll/mannequin well in this photograph.

Overall this shoot was really fun and I enjoyed doing this project for my art project, also it helped develop my photography skills, I do enjoy photographing dark alternative photographs and will look to doing some more of this style in the future.
Iam currently in the process with arranging a photoshoot with a model from Falmouth and we plan to do the theme "mummy in a graveyard" and some other dark alternative type photographs which I'm really looking forward too.

Saturday 27 March 2010

Lerryn Photoshoot

Here i decided to take some photographs on Film, This was taken with a Pentax K1000 and a ILFORD HP5 FILM. I wanted to get some landscape shots of Lerryn River, a truly beautiful place. I have taken some photographs of the river and mansion on film and digital before but fancied getting some more shots. Luckily the weather was really nice. I knew a lady who cleaned this Mansion right next to the river and checked on the house whilst the owners were away so i was lucky enough to walk around the private grounds. It was rather frightening on my own and it's a far way from the village and next to some "myth have it haunted woods" it certainly did feel spooky, especially with no mobile phone signal! at the same time it was very peaceful. the house certainly was right next to the river. Unfortunately I didn't get any shoots of the inside of the house. I think this shoot went well and was nice to do something different for a change.

(Below) Here is a view of part of the house through the gate of the garden. I photographed it from this particular angle to frame the photo of the house and garden I think the way it has been photographed and you can see the gate in the bottom of the photograph makes you feel more connected to the photograph and makes you feel like you could be there, looking at the house through the gate too. I like this photograph as there is a good range of tones and contrast within the photograph.

(Below) This photograph was taken with a zoom lense, Its a photograph of Lerryn Houses on the river. Im not sure if i like this photograph, the quality isnt very good and i think it may need straigtening

(Below) A very simple photograph of a sign and lamp, This was on the wall of the mansion, There isnt much to say about this photograph other than i quite like its simplisity for a change.
(Below) What I like about this photograph is the beautiful reflection of the trees in the water. It was an absolotly beautiful day and Its a shame you cannot tell this though the photograph. It was very peacefull and i enjoyed walking around the grounds.

You can see from his painting how beautiful and calm the river is.

(Below) Again I love the reflection of the trees in the river and i really like the composition of this photograph.

(Below) Self Portait

Whilst on the river, I decided to take a self portait. This is the only self portrait I have taken myself on film in black and white. I can never make out if I like the photograph of me or not. I however quite like the lighting on my face and how I contrast from the busy but light background. I like the grain on the photograph as its unlike any other photographs of me.


This photograph Is'nt in Lerryn I took it on the way to caerhays to check the surf and I see the telephone box and building thought it might look cool in a photography.
I like the composition of this photograph however it would be nice if there were lighter and darker tones within the photograph too.