Monday 29 March 2010


(Taken Spring 2009)
Although I took these Photographs last year I thought I'd Include them as they are very alternative and different to many other photoshoots of mine.
This was for my GCSE art project where I was allowed to use photography for part of it, My art piece was based on Mannequins so I thought it would be an interesting concept for me to dress up as a mannequin so I painted myself white and wore a long bleach blonde wig, I also wore a dolly type dress, other props featured my mannequin (Jenny) which i rang up radio Cornwall for and House of Fraiser in Plymouth contacted me and gave me Jenny (Thank you very much), An apple, and flower petals) I had decorated Jenny before hand by splatting her with paint and covering her private parts with flowers.

Anyway.. I set the camera up on a tripod and set to self timer, I then posed in a doll like position.
What I really like about these photographs is that you can identify its me.

(Below) For this photograph I darkened the edges to give a dark grungy feel to the photograph it also contrasts nicely with my pale ghostly skin.

(Below) I really like the detail of this Photograph, I think the wig looks quite realistic in this photograph and I like how my lips look dry and cracked, I think this photograph definitely suits black and white and I like the strong contrast within the photograph.

(Below) This is definitely my favourite photograph of the set, I love the composition of this photograph and how the photograph is taken at the same height as me and not looking down on me. I also think i look the most doll-dead like in this photograph, I again gave the photograph a dark edge to give a grungy dark feel to the photograph which i really like and again how it contrasts with my pale skin.

My least favourite of the set, I don't like the cropping of the photograph and how half the mannequins foot isn't in the photograph. Maybe this was the way i positioned the camera on the tripod by accident. Plus i think i prefer it landspace. However i do think i portray the dead doll/mannequin well in this photograph.

Overall this shoot was really fun and I enjoyed doing this project for my art project, also it helped develop my photography skills, I do enjoy photographing dark alternative photographs and will look to doing some more of this style in the future.
Iam currently in the process with arranging a photoshoot with a model from Falmouth and we plan to do the theme "mummy in a graveyard" and some other dark alternative type photographs which I'm really looking forward too.

1 comment:

  1. Hello I'm from Brazil
    like your blog
    much authenticity
    send your photos a thing ...
    a different beauty
    like it!
