Saturday 27 March 2010

Lerryn Photoshoot

Here i decided to take some photographs on Film, This was taken with a Pentax K1000 and a ILFORD HP5 FILM. I wanted to get some landscape shots of Lerryn River, a truly beautiful place. I have taken some photographs of the river and mansion on film and digital before but fancied getting some more shots. Luckily the weather was really nice. I knew a lady who cleaned this Mansion right next to the river and checked on the house whilst the owners were away so i was lucky enough to walk around the private grounds. It was rather frightening on my own and it's a far way from the village and next to some "myth have it haunted woods" it certainly did feel spooky, especially with no mobile phone signal! at the same time it was very peaceful. the house certainly was right next to the river. Unfortunately I didn't get any shoots of the inside of the house. I think this shoot went well and was nice to do something different for a change.

(Below) Here is a view of part of the house through the gate of the garden. I photographed it from this particular angle to frame the photo of the house and garden I think the way it has been photographed and you can see the gate in the bottom of the photograph makes you feel more connected to the photograph and makes you feel like you could be there, looking at the house through the gate too. I like this photograph as there is a good range of tones and contrast within the photograph.

(Below) This photograph was taken with a zoom lense, Its a photograph of Lerryn Houses on the river. Im not sure if i like this photograph, the quality isnt very good and i think it may need straigtening

(Below) A very simple photograph of a sign and lamp, This was on the wall of the mansion, There isnt much to say about this photograph other than i quite like its simplisity for a change.
(Below) What I like about this photograph is the beautiful reflection of the trees in the water. It was an absolotly beautiful day and Its a shame you cannot tell this though the photograph. It was very peacefull and i enjoyed walking around the grounds.

You can see from his painting how beautiful and calm the river is.

(Below) Again I love the reflection of the trees in the river and i really like the composition of this photograph.

(Below) Self Portait

Whilst on the river, I decided to take a self portait. This is the only self portrait I have taken myself on film in black and white. I can never make out if I like the photograph of me or not. I however quite like the lighting on my face and how I contrast from the busy but light background. I like the grain on the photograph as its unlike any other photographs of me.


This photograph Is'nt in Lerryn I took it on the way to caerhays to check the surf and I see the telephone box and building thought it might look cool in a photography.
I like the composition of this photograph however it would be nice if there were lighter and darker tones within the photograph too.

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