Wednesday 31 March 2010


A lovely young mum contacted me asking if I would be willing to photograph her and her baby Faith - 10 weeks.
I was delighted to be asked and knew it would be really good and beneficial for my portfolio.
It was rather scary working with such a young baby but I really enjoyed the experience.

Inspiration for this photoshoot:



What I really like about this photograph is how the baby is cuddled up to its Mother which i think is really cute and makes a good photograph. There is also a good range of tones and I like the composition of this photograph. I generally prefer the baby photographs in black and white to colour as I feel it just looks better for this particular baby photograph theme.

(Below) Here I really like the glistening of baby Faith's eyes and lips. I am also really pleased how I captured the moment of her yawning. I like this photograph in colour as we can see she is wearing pink which particularly with baby's represents a girl. As when young its hard to determine their sex as they are so young.

(Below) Here i tried to get a close up of the baby's foot, as i wanted to get some close up detailed shots. I was particularly pleased I took these shoots especially at the end of the shoot when the mother commented on how much she loved Faith's feet. I also think it will be nice for the mother too keep to remember just how small her beautiful baby was and so she can remember her baby's feet and hands. I like how we can see the detail especially of her toe nails. I like the composition of this photograph and the depth of field and how we can see the background is blurred which makes her foot stand out.

(Below) I love the way i have cropped this close up of the Faith's face. I love the glistening the soft box gives to her eyes and I like the soft tones in the photograph. I really like how i have captured her soft skin and little nose. I much preferred this photograph in black and white to colour.

(Below) Here I really like how I managed to capture Faith smiling, Again really pleased how the soft box creates the glistening look to her eye and she looks beautiful smiling, Really like the soft range of tones again and the composition of the photograph

Overall I really enjoyed this photoshoot and felt it was nice to do something and experience something different if i could re do the photoshoot I defiantly wish I experimented more with poses or perhaps researched some more before the photoshoot.

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