Tuesday 2 March 2010

Week 4

Over the weekend I was in the studio again experimenting with lighting, high key and low key, and colour and black and white. My models wanted the photoshoot to make them look pretty and gorgeous, so weren't very up for experimenting with different themes such as gory dark themes, however they were willing to experiment slightly by altering their hair and make up and clothes for me.
Overall I'm really happy with both of the photoshoots I photographed over the weekend. I wanted to communicate across peoples obsession for looking their best, wanting to be this perfect stereotypical person, thin with smooth skin, no blemishes etc.
Even though they were perfect already they still wanted me to photoshop the photographs. However on some i really didn't need to at all...

Photographers that inspired me when doing these shoots are:
Anres Hernandez He does lots of beauty portraits in the studio and I really like his work, I think my work links to his work and we have the same kind of style in the way we present our photographs.

Here's some photographs from the shoot of Rosie Andrews :

(Below) Here i lightened the photograph in photoshop and made the background pure black, I also smoothed out her skin. I really like her strong pose. Her Crazy backcombed hair and big eyebrows really empathizes her rebellious strong look.

(Below) For this photograph I found the pattern off the Internet by typing in floral patterns.
I made the background on the original photo of Rosie pure white and removed any blemishes and smoothed the skin on Rosie. I then layed the two images over one another. I then turned the photograph to black and white by turning down the saturation on photoshop.

(Below) Here i removed any blemishes and smoothing the skin. I made Rosie's Lips pinker and whitened her eyes. I made sure the background was pure black. I also lightened the image slightly in photoshop.
(Below) This photograph of Kate Moss, A famous English Fashion Model, shes a great inspiration to me, and shes one of my favourite models. This photograph was taken by Corrine day for the National Portrait Gallery for an exhibition Face of Fashion. The montage was shot in December by Corrine Day, the Fashion Photographer.
Day's new multi-image is definitively post - grunge, showing the model laughing, frowning, pulling a face and, in the central image, resembling an angelic Florentine beauty that has leapt out of a Titian.
Moss's reaction to Day's new images was self-deprecating. "I've got crooked teeth, bow legs, a wonky nose" said the model.
Day said: "It's very intimate. I wanted shots to be genuine so that when people look at them each picture will say something different"
(Information was taken from Here)
I found this photograph very inspirational, I didn't want to copy the photograph, I just love the concept of the photograph and how it reveals the persons character, more than you'd ever see from a single photograph of the person. I like the contrast and range of tones within the photograph, I think the photograph works well in black and white and makes the photograph more intimate and interesting than if it was in colour.

(Below) For this photograph I asked Rosie to do 9 different expressions, I told her to try and keep her body still and i set my camera on a tripod. In photoshop I made all the photographs the same square size and dragged all 9 into this 3x3 grid, and made a photograph from it. I didn't line them up and made them out of place on purpose as i felt it was more unique and original. I then lightened the photograph in photoshop and made the photo black and white.
(Below) For this photograph i made sure the background was pure black, I removed any blemishes and smoothed the skin, i lightened the photograph and made it black and white, as i felt it suited the photograph more in black and white than in colour, I really like her pose.

(Below) In this photograph you can see Rosie's make up, I did her eyebrows, I think they suit the fashion type shoot which i did of her. For this photograph, I darkened the image slightly, removed any blemishes and smoothed the skin, I lightened the eyes and added this background, I think the background works really well with the photograph and her dress.

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