Friday 26 March 2010

Lomography fisheye 2

I seen this camera advertised brand new a few months ago and thought it was worth trying out,

Iv taken some photographs at a friends house party, I also got some shots of friends skateboarding and some photographs at Barbara Hepworth's garden in St Ives.

Here's a photograph of my Lomography Fisheye 2 camera:

I took my photographs on Black and white Ilford HP5 FILM.

These photographs I found on Flickr, I couldn't find the names of all the photographers unfortunately but I choose these photographs as they were inspiration and i felt they related to my work.

(Below) I generally love flowers and photographs of flowers, This looks like it could possibly be Japanese cherry blossom. Overall i think its a very beautiful photograph.

(Below) This photograph reminds me alot of my photo which i took of someone at a party. So i decided to include the photograph as i felt it had a strong link.

(Below) Sr. Baked Mussle on flickr posted: Lomography - Fisheye 2Lomography 35mm 100/36 ISO Fine Color Negative Filmwaking up still drunk in Sunday

I felt this multiple exposure photograph links to my multiple exposures, I like how his face is made up of lots of different photographs of his face and how it relates to hes still drunk and his fragmented mind and the way he may feel is symbolised with his multiple exposure.

(Below) Joe at Barbara Hepworth's Garden.

What I like about this photograph is how Joe is inside Hepworth's sculpture and how its round which gives the fisheye almost a double effect.

(Below) Skateboarding, I really like this photograph its 2 or 3 photographs overlayed, this is an effect on the camera, which i think works really well and helps create a distorted effect. I haven't used this camera much so i was just messing about trying to see what i could achieve with the camera. I like how you can see him skateboarding in the foreground and background and you can see my feet in the bottom of the photograph where i took it from.

(Below) Photograph of a flower at Barbara Hepworth's Garden, Not very clearly in focus, but i still think its beautiful and when i look at this photograph I feel really close to the flower almost as if im there and can reach out and touch it.

(Below) A photograph of me and Joe overlayed, again just playing about with the multiple exposures, creates a really distorted photograph. I like how we are blended together.

At my Friends house party, I think the theme is almost teen rebellion, partying and getting drunk, you can see some sort of drink stain on the girls top which surgests shes drunk. I didnt take this photograph on purpose I was trying to work out a feature on the camera and accidently took the photograph, but the fact its not perfect almost suits the the teen rebellion theme.

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