Monday 15 March 2010


Brooke's Location and Studio Shoot

Here is a photograph of Brooke and 9 different expressions, I brought the wig to experiment with and create some funny beauty type photographs. This was done with the bowens portable lighting kit in my living room, using a low key background, I much prefer this photograph in black and white as it creates a nice contrast especially between the wig and low key background. Overall i really like this photograph and am extreamly pleased with the final outcome. Again I used the photograph of Kate moss doing 9 expressions for inspiration.

(Below) Here is Brooke at a local beach (5 minuits away from my house). I wanted to do a location shoot, as i havent photographed on location for a while and it was nice to have a change from the studio. I didnt need to photoshop my model, however i did make the sky and sea more blue.

(Below) For this photograph i simply turned the saturation down so it was inbetween colour and black and white.

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